Saturday, November 17, 2007


I'm not really good at sports. The only one that I can know is vollyball, which I think it's really intresting. I played vollyball since I was in junior high, but only play it in our PE class. After entering high school, we have a competition of vollyball, so we practiced a lot during my second year in high school, and our class took a fancy to it gradually. Now even we are geaduated, we still often frabed the chances to get together and play vollyball. And I also join the vollyball team of our department.

Durig the last few days, we had a competition of vollyball, but it was also the very same week for our mid-term and bascketball game. So we didn't have time to practice, and we didn't win the games, but I think that we were acting much better a game after another. So I belive that we have the potential to win with enough time to practice. We have much more chances to play games in the future anyway. I really obtain a lot of fun from vollyball.

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