For me, eating is a really joyful things.
Most of the time I have my food in my school, so whenever I go back to Taipei, I'll go to the nigh market that just infront of my home to pick up some nigh snack. Last week I went to some really tasty restaurants which I would like to introduce to eveyone.
This is one of my parents favorite restsurant.For me, it's a really highclass reatarant. I ordered the chicken set. The first dish that comeover is pumpkin soup, which is quit sweet, I love the garlic bread, too, and I think that's the best pumpkin soup that I've ever had. And the chef h
as started his remarkable performence. Coming next is the beautiful and frsh shrimp with their tails perked up. The red shrimp collocate green vegtable and brown mashrooms. It is not only good to taste but eat. Then the manager walked in telling us that there is a special extra gift for us on their treat.(because one of the owner of this restaurant is my dad's friend.), I don't know he exactly name but I will describe it as detailed as I could. It's consist steam eeg with mullet roe , goose liver and mashrooma on the top, which become a really exquisite dish. After I finish the really "exuisit" dish, the chef had finished the next one, grilled prawn. Do you want to know what is coming next? Tune in, I will tell you tommorrow.

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